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8AM-8PM Monday-Friday

Elder Care

CenterLight Therapeutic Recreation

At CenterLight, we believe in providing our participants with access to fun ways to stay safe, healthy, active, and living in their own homes and communities.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Staying up to date on all of your routine vaccines is an important step that you can take to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidance on hepatitis B vaccinations.

Celebrating Juneteenth and Honoring Diversity

Diversity is one of our core values at CenterLight. Each day, we work to create an environment that celebrates the many cultures and traditions of our participants and staff members.

Investing in our Workforce

CenterLight is committed to providing our employees with all the skills and resources they need to advance in their careers. We believe that a knowledgeable, fulfilled staff translates to commitment, not only to the organization but more importantly, to our mission of helping enrich the lives of those we serve.

Understanding High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure is a common and dangerous condition. Having High Blood Pressure means the pressure of the blood in your blood vessels is higher than it should be. The good news is you can take steps to control your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

A History of Caring

In honor of National Jewish American Heritage Month, we would like to pay homage to our parent organization’s founder, Bertha Alperstein, and CenterLight’s humble beginnings.

The Importance of COVID-19 Vaccine and Boosters

Many people still have questions about COVID-19 vaccine and want to know why the vaccine is important. Having questions about the vaccine and wanting to learn more is a normal reaction. Learning more about the vaccine and the job it can do to keep you safe is a critical first step in getting informed.

Fun with a Purpose: Therapeutic Recreation

When sickness hits, it’s difficult as an older adult to have the energy, focus, or even the ability to go back to the things they once loved to do. A key part of PACE is Therapeutic Recreation and Socialization. Studies show that fun can lead to emotional, cognitive, and physical benefits. In this part of our “Explainer Series,” we discuss the role of Therapeutic Recreation Specialist in a PACE program.

All-Inclusive Care for Hormonal Health

This post is the first part of a series outlining how the CenterLight Teamcare Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) helps manage and treat a full range of health issues that impact older adults and their families. This highly personalized care helps keep our participants living safely at home and in their communities.

CDPAS, Explained

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS) is a program that allows family members, friends, or neighbors (except a spouse or designated representative) to be paid for caregiving services deemed necessary by the Interdisciplinary Team. Here, we discuss what CDPAS means and how it works.

All-Inclusive Care in Action: Cognitive Issues

“All-Inclusive Care for Cognitive Issues” is the 2nd installment of a series outlining how CenterLight Teamcare’s Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) helps manage and treat a full range of health issues that impact older adults and their families. This blog focuses on IDT members’ roles in helping participants with cognitive disorders.

Including Aging Loved Ones During the Holidays

Including your aging loved ones during holiday celebrations may call for extra planning, but the effort is well-worth it: sharing our holiday table with older family members helps strengthen family bonds and create warm and meaningful memories. Attending to their needs is especially important in the categories of mobility & travel, diet & medicine, memory, and money.

The Role of Compliance in Providing Quality Care

Compliance is about more than simply ensuring that our organization follows rules – though that is hugely important. It’s about a pursuing excellence as we pursue our mission of providing high quality care that helps our participants live safely at home and in their communities.

Rehab at CenterLight Teamcare

Maria Lorena Cerni, Corporate Director of Rehab & Karina Gurevich, Regional Rehab Manager, discuss the role of rehabilitation therapists in the IDT.

Renewing Your Medicaid

This blog post answers common questions about the Medicaid renewal process, such as why you have to renew your Medicaid, what happens if you forget, and how to do it.

A Guide to Summer Heat Safety

Extreme summer temperatures can be dangerous and potentially life threatening for many individuals, particularly for those at a higher risk for heat related illness such as the elderly.

Caring for Participants Like Family

Teamcare TRS Lillian Andino-Vargas has always loved working with the elderly. When her uncle developed dementia, she helped him enroll in Teamcare and learned more about the importance of seniors aging happily and safely at home and in their community.

Coloring Sparks Creativity

A lot of us remember spending hours as children with coloring books. As we got older, we put our crayons away for other things we considered more important or entertaining. Here, we discuss how Teamcare Cornaga ACS is using coloring as an activity to help spark creativity and relaxation.

The Benefits of Tea Therapy

Every month, CenterLight Teamcare Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Angelina Holmes leads Tea Therapy with a dedicated group of participants. For May, she chose peach tea because it is fragrant, delicious, and perfect for the warming weather.

Stay Safe From Phishing Scams

Unfortunately, the elderly are especially prone to predatory email phishing and phone scams. Lester Hsu, CenterLight’s IT Information Security Administrator, offers tips on how to detect and avoid these scams, as well as recommendations on how to protect your personal information.