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Savor The Moment: Chocolate Meditation

As we’ve discussed on the blog in our Overcoming Overwhelm series (parts 1, 2, & 3), it can be difficult to find a moment to yourself when you’re acting as a loved one’s caregiver or assisting them with a major life transition. Each moment of relaxation is one to savor, and you don’t need us to tell you how much you deserve it!

stacked chocolate bars
This exercise is based on Dr. R.M. Peluso’s Chocolate Tasting Meditation techniques. All you need for Chocolate Meditation is a small piece of your favorite chocolate and a quiet place to concentrate. We recommend dark chocolate, as it has many proven health benefits.* Next time you have 5 minutes to spare, try this meditation technique to enjoy the benefits of relaxation and mindfulness (and a small sugar rush!).

Before You Start

  • Sit in a comfortable position

  • Relax your body

  • Unclench your jaw

  • Close your eyes

As you proceed, maintain deep, full, and slow breaths that fill up your whole abdomen.


Get In Touch With Your Senses

  • Hold the chocolate gently in your hand and notice how it feels against your skin

  • Smell the chocolaty aroma

  • Take a small bite and feel the chocolate melt in your mouth

  • As it melts, taste the different notes of the chocolate


chocolate candies

Focus On Sensations

  • How does the chocolate feel as it slides down your throat?

  • What does the chocolate feel like in your hand? Is it cool to the touch? Is it smooth?

  • Do your arms feel heavy as they raise the chocolate to your mouth?

Clear Your Mind

  • If other thoughts come to mind, gently dismiss them

  • Refocus your attention on the smell, taste, feel, and memories associated with chocolate

When you feel ready, allow yourself to come back to the present. Keep this feeling of relaxation and mindfulness with you as you continue your day, especially in moments of stress.

*Healthline lists benefits of dark chocolate in this article.

CenterLight Teamcare is committed to providing accurate health-related information to help individuals live well, stay healthy and make well-informed healthcare decisions. Information in this material is strictly educational. We recommend that users consult with their doctor regarding their care. If you would like to learn more about CenterLight Teamcare, please call: 1-877-212-8877 (TTY 711), 8AM - 8PM, Monday - Friday. Representatives or message service also available on weekends.


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Pending CMS and DOH approval
Last updated May 20, 2019

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